Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Best Freelancing Moments Of 2012 | About Freelance

Best Freelancing Moments Of 2012

Realistically speaking, we could all senselessly ramble off onto some boring tangent, whine about how poorly our year fared or perhaps even throw some words of freelancing wit your way.? Unfortunately, there?s only so much cheese stashed in my fridge to support numerous whining fits.? Successes, failures or rhetorical questions never fully explored filled everyone?s life in 2012 yet to end this official blogging tirade, and year, we?d love to share some finer freelancing moments which came and went much like Christmas savings accounts.? Be forewarned, however, About Freelance writing pros never sugar coat.

Divisive Content

One caveat many clients always express before entering tendered agreements revolves around one?s ability to write articles, papers or general content with synergy.? Some freelancing gurus directly pontificate their verbiage, per se, instead of writing in tones which gather wide audiences.? 2012 saw many of my personal clients write somewhat divisively, leaving my days filled with editorial duties as opposed to growing my initiatives.? Nonetheless, it was an interesting debacle at times sifting through massive loads of poorly written expressions of one?s self yet I gladly paid for effort.? My lessons were learned, my focus is more attuned yet I cannot help thinking of ways I could?ve assisted my foreign writing friends instead of chiding them.? Again, lesson learned and my best wishes in their future endeavors as many have outstanding content writing goals for 2013 which I?d love to see them achieve.

Newly Formed Relationships

Unlike my slower 2011 campaign, 2012 saw many fruitful relationships form which I foresee lasting for several years.? Since writing freelance prose comes from within me, I have an abundance of humility towards clients, taking their needs into account well before anything turns towards final transactions.? In fact, having worked closely with one client currently employed within the White House also taught me quite nicely about caring for mankind.? All told, the relationships I?ve developed this past year have been wonderful and it really wouldn?t surprise me if I soon embark on physical client handshake trips.? My clients also concur with my statements as they?ve indicated stellar work for 2013 should come my way, always an excellent smile producer.

Plagiarism Dancing

It just wouldn?t be an article unless we?ve covered the many plagiarism problems circumnavigating freelance writing assignments worldwide.? Yes, I?ve hired several contractors who?ve professed their skills writing freelance articles were unmatched.? After thoroughly scanning them through detection software, however, it saddened me to find content was either spun, copied from other well-known news sources or simply rehashed from other sources.? Despite my hiring caveats that copywriting is not copy my writing clearly spoken affront, individuals still tried my patience.? I was kind to them, explaining that either rewriting the content to full originality or walking away would interest them.? Nonetheless, more lessons learned and I?ve really been sheepish as to who?ll I?ll hire again.

Regardless of what type of year you managed to have, always keep your head up, continually research ways to improve your trade, keep your clients fully satisfied and never forget where you came from.? May your freelance writing adventure in 2013 and beyond be filled with an overflowing cup of joyous occasions.? Feel free to sound off on this, or any other, article which you?ll find useful in many ways on our website.


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