Thursday, January 24, 2013

How Online Video can increase your SEO & Sales Success

Soon it will be a non-negotiable for any business?s marketing strategy.

There are some very good reasons why everyone is talking about this. Here are some of my favorites:

  • You are 53 times more likely to appear on Google Page 1 if you have a video on your website. (Forrester Research)
  • YouTube is the second biggest search engine in the world. Obviously, you have to have video to be there. (
  • Video used in email marketing increases click-through rates by over 96% (Implix 2010 Email Marketing Trends Survey)
  • Website visitors who view product videos are 85% more likely to buy (Internet Retailer)

Those are hard numbers to ignore. You may be asking yourself, but why is video so effective for marketing?

Here are the Top 5 Reasons why online video works to grow your business.

  1. Online video helps you make a personal connection with your prospective clients. We all know that people like to buy products and services through people they know and people they like. Online video is the next best thing to meeting someone in person. When people watch you in your video online, they?ll feel like they?ve met you in person, helping you become that person your prospective clients know, like and trust, faster and easier.

  2. Video accelerates the sales process. In a traditional sales process, your prospective client has to find you, then meet you in person, then you close the sale, and then you get to do business with them. What if you could take out several steps in that process? How much time and effort would that save you? With online video, your prospective clients can find you online because they?re already searching for you there. They can ?meet? you online, and after they watch your video, they?ll feel like they already know you and want to do business with you.

  3. Online video increases engagement on your site. On websites with video, the average viewer stays for 6 minutes. On websites without video, the average viewer stays for only 57 seconds. That extra 5 minutes of engagement can make all the difference between them picking up the phone to call you, or clicking off your site.

  4. Because online video is so popular, it?s becoming not only a communication tool, but also a search engine optimization tool. Google mimics consumer behavior. Right now about 60% of online searches are for video, and Google wants to give people what they want. So now search engines are prioritizing video in their search criteria. If you have video on your website or your blog, you will show up higher in Google rankings.

  5. Online video can be leveraged in two important ways. First, it leverages your time. You do the work once, and then it keeps working for you, 24/7, with no ongoing effort from you. What do you think would happen to your business if you were meeting hundreds of people every week? Your business would explode, because it?s a numbers game. The more people you meet, the more sales opportunities you have, the more you?ll sell. But who has time to meet hundreds of people every week? With your online video, you?ll virtually ?meet? hundreds of people every week, making that all-important personal connection with them without having to actually be there in person. The second way you can leverage online video is that you create one asset but distribute it across multiple platforms. The same video can appear on your website, YouTube, social media, email marketing, google profile, just to name a few, and more sites are allowing video uploads all the time.

Just as with any new trend, the early adapters will receive the most benefit. Be one of the first business owners you know to use online video to grow your business, and you?ll gain an unfair advantage over your competition.

Jill recently presented a 1-hour webinar about Online Video Success for Social Buzz Club. You can buy it here.

-Author: Jill Addison, Online Video Producer

Jill Addison headshot 150 X 155 pixels RGBJill is the Creator of Do It Yourself Video Package! If you know you need to be using online video to grow your business, but you?re not ready for professional video, this Package is for you. Get a Free Sample of the contents of the Do It Yourself Video Package and a Free Report ?Top 10 Things You Need to Know to Instantly Improve Your Videos 100%? here:?Do It Yourself Video Package!


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