Simple, powerful marketing strategies every business can afford to implementThere?s never been a better time to be a marketer or entrepreneur than right now. Thanks to the Internet, a new world of free and inexpensive tactics can help get the word out to the prospects of any business with a limited marketing budget. Free Marketing delivers more than 100 ideas to help any small business owner or marketer generate new revenue?with little or no marketing budget.
With both Internet-based and creative offline ideas, you?ll discover ways to turn your top customers into your unpaid sales force, get your competitors to help you promote your new products, grow a loyal audience that devours your content, and spread the word about any product, service, cause or personality.
- Use simple videos as promotional power tools
- Hold an eBay auction for publicity purposes (author Jim Cockrum made over $30,000 and earned tons of free publicity from just one auction)
- Find the perfect online partners that can take you to the next level quickly?and more!
Grow a successful business without letting your marketing budget tell you ?No.? Jim Cockrum has proven that the most powerful marketing strategies are the cheapest.
List price: $24.95
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